For those who love cigars, it is always a great idea to present them with a bunch occasionally because you can be sure that your present would be really appreciated. Unless you are aware of the brands and what might be on their wish list, you should also do a little homework regarding the kind of cigar set that you should buy for them. To start with, here why we want you to get Perdomo 20th anniversary cigars online.
Presented in elegant Spanish boxes, these are semi-boxpressed cigars that are hand-crafted at the Perdomo Factory in Nicaragua. For those who are unaware, Perdomo is one of the best cigar brands known for their tradition of focusing on quality for over 20 long years. The 20th anniversary edition is a celebration of those twenty years and features pieces marked by select bourbon barrel aged wrappers and thick ring gauges. Not to mention, these premium grade cigars are made with excellent quality tobacco grown in Perdomo’s fields in Esteli, Condega and Jalapa in Nicaragua.
A cigar lover would certainly be more than elated upon receiving such an amazing present on a special occasion, for a celebration, as congratulations or simply, as a token of love and appreciation.
Presented in elegant Spanish boxes, these are semi-boxpressed cigars that are hand-crafted at the Perdomo Factory in Nicaragua. For those who are unaware, Perdomo is one of the best cigar brands known for their tradition of focusing on quality for over 20 long years. The 20th anniversary edition is a celebration of those twenty years and features pieces marked by select bourbon barrel aged wrappers and thick ring gauges. Not to mention, these premium grade cigars are made with excellent quality tobacco grown in Perdomo’s fields in Esteli, Condega and Jalapa in Nicaragua.
A cigar lover would certainly be more than elated upon receiving such an amazing present on a special occasion, for a celebration, as congratulations or simply, as a token of love and appreciation.